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 Spirit of discretion

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Number of posts : 15
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Registration date : 2007-12-15

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PostSubject: Spirit of discretion   Spirit of discretion Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 12:38 am

Okay. Assasin Cross has 3 main types. Critical. Hybrid. Dexterity.


Critical Sin's rely on high luck and crit rate to give them a boost for high damage. Criticals ignore defence. Thana does NOT work with crit. Crit sins cannot hit with normal attacks, and skills because of their low dex and HIT rate. If you like skills, don't use crit. Crit sins also have moderate Perfect Dodge which may or may not come in handy, which depends on opponent.


XXX + XX LUK = 70 - 90 Critical Rate.
XXX + XX VIT = At least 100k HP w/o Tao
1 + XX DEX
1 + XX INT

Note: LUK and VIT are the flexible stats.

+10 Blade
+10 Main Gauche

Distribution amongst weapon/card order does not matter
2x TG
2x Hydra
2x Paper
1x Mobster
Main: 1tg 1hydra 1skelworker 1paper
Off-hand: 1tg 1hydra 1skelworker 1 mobster

1.4 x 1.4 x 1.3 x 1.2 x 1.15 = 3.52

Tips and Tricks:
Use Blade on right hand and Main Gauche on left to cancel out Double Attack. Your Double Attack will MISS because it is a normal attack and your HIT rate would be around 280... barely enough to hit an Eremes with normal attack.


Hybrid is sexy. You can crit to deal moderate damage, and normal attack with the occasional 3x strike. You can also use skills. Spirit of discretion Ani_no1 Also since most people use low def and tao for armors since thana will own them, the crit damage and normal damage will not differ by much.


XXX + XX LUK = 40 to 50 Crit Rate
XXX + XX VIT = 100k~ HP
XXX + XX DEX = 430 to 450 HIT
1 INT (Don't worry, all SinX's are dumbasses)

2 MG

You have choice for hybrid, remember the more diverse your cards are, the more damage you deal... for most cases. However if you decide to use Papers to maximize critical damage, your dex damage will be lowered.
Main: 1tg 1hydra 1skelworker 1paper
Off-hand: 2tg 1hydra 1skelworker

1.6 x 1.4 x 1.3 x 1.2 = 3.49

Doppel 2x Hydra 3x TG 2x Paper
Standard damage, balanced for dex and crit. Good for skills too.

Doppel 2x Hydra 2x TG 2x paper 1x Mobster
Low dex damage, high crit damage. +4 crit rate too.

These are the highest damage card combinations possible. Yes it is, now stfu. Don't argue with my TI-83.

Choices: Sacrifice some damage for an Injustice is not such a bad idea. It looks cool when the enemy spins on the ground when the sonic blow kills them.

Tips and Tricks:
Poison React is good here. Use it. If you follow these stats, you'll get EDP Lv.5 w/ 197 ASPD. I'm not explaining where the secret is, but it's in here.


Dex.. Hmm.. You deal consistent damage. And you can use skills. That is all I can think of.


XXX + XX VIT = 100k~ HP
XXX + XX DEX = 450 to 500 HIT

2 MG

Doppel 3x Hydra 3x TG 1x Skele worker.

Doppel 2x Hydra 2x TG 1x Skele Worker Injustice.

Doppel 2x Hydra 2x TG Thana Injustice (You need at least 475 dex though)
Main: 2tg 1hydra 1skelworker
Off-hand: 1tg 1hydra 1skelworker1 pheeroni

1.6 x 1.4 x 1.3 =2.912

Recommendations: Since people use close to 0 armor def anyways... dont use thana unless you face a pally.

Tips and Tricks:
Poison React is in the picture. Lv. 5 EDP with 197 ASPD is in here.

Card Combination Analysis

The following is analysis of combination of cards using math. Yes pure math. If you don't like it just scroll down, I don't care, I was bored in math class.

Okay. Damage-wise we have a bunch of cards to choose from:

Turtle General Card:
+20% ATK
No side effects, the ATK increment means you hit everything with +20%. Good card.

Hydra Card:
20% More damage on Demi-Human monsters.
No side effects, ATK increment only on demi-humans though. Good card.

The Paper Card:
20% More damage on Critical attacks.
SP -1 per hit. ATK increment only on critical attacks. I'd think about this card before using it extensively for hybrid.

Skeleton Worker Card:
ATK +5
15% More damage on Medium-size monsters.
No side effects. ATK increment on medium monsters. The 15% is underestimated when you don't use math.

15% More damage on Critical attacks.
Critical Rate +4
No side effects. ATK increment on critical attacks. The 15% is also underestimated.

Alright, now that we have that out of the way we can discuss the math.
Hydra, TG and Paper all have damage modifer of 120% or 1 + .2 x (# of cards)
Skeleton Worker and Mobster have damage modifer of 115% or 1 + .15 x (# of cards)

Deterity Recommended
Hybrid Recommended
Critical Recommended

Now lets see:
Let's say we have 7 slots for our weapon, 1 taken already by the doppel:
7 Hydras/TG/Paper (7 cards that are the same) would be 1 + (.2 x 7) = 2.4 <- Damage increment of 240%. Wow? No, thats bull.

6 Hydra 1 TG (1 + (.2 x 6)) x (1 + (.2 x 1)) = 2.2 x 1.2 = 2.64 <- Damage increment 264%. You see? Just 1 card difference is all it takes to increse it by 24%.

5 Hydra 2 TG (1 + (.2 x 5)) x (1 + (.2 x 2)) = 2.0 x 1.4 = 2.8 <- Damage increment 280%. KAPOW?!

4 Hydra 3 TG (1 + (.2 x 4)) x (1 + (.2 x 3)) = 1.8 x 1.6 = 2.88 <- Damage increment 288%. WEE?! More than 7 same cards combination by 48%.

From then on... it's the same because Hydra and TG are interchangable.

Now let's throw in Paper in the picture. However you must consider this before using it for Hybrid because Paper does not increase normal damage. Paper merely increases crit damage. But the following may tempt you to use Paper...

5 Hydra 1 TG 1 Paper (1 + (.2 x 5)) x (1 + (.2 x 1)) x (1 + (.2 x 1)) = 2.0 x 1.2 x 1.2 = 2.928 <- Damage increment 292.8%. Lol, tempted? This is critical damage though. Your normal damage is only 240%.

4 Hydra 2 TG 1 Paper (1 + (.2 x 4)) x (1 + (.2 x 2)) x (1 + (.2 x 1)) = 1.8 x 1.4 x 1.2 = 3.024 <- Damage increment 302.4%. Rofl this is more than Lv. 3 EDP. Dex = 252%

3 Hydra 3 TG 1 Paper (1 + (.2 x 3)) x (1 + (.2 x 3)) x (1 + (.2 x 1)) = 1.6 x 1.6 x 1.2 = 3.072 <- Damage increment 307.2%. Cool balance of crit and dex damage. Dex = 256%

3 Hydra 2 TG 2 Paper (1 + (.2 x 3)) x (1 + (.2 x 2)) x (1 + (.2 x 2)) = 1.6 x 1.4 x 1.4 = 3.136 <- Damage increment 313.6%. Yeah, this is... a lot... of crit damage increment. Dex = 224%.

Yes. Paper increase by a lot.

Now let's do the underestimated 15% increment cards.

4 Hydra 1 TG 1 Paper 1 SW (1 + (.2 x 4)) x (1 + (.2 x 1)) x (1 + (.2 x 1)) x (1 + (.15 x 1)) = 1.8 x 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.15 = 2.9808 <- Damage increment 298.1%. Yay? Dex = 248.4%.

3 Hydra 2 TG 1 Paper 1 SW (1 + (.2 x 3)) x (1 + (.2 x 2)) x (1 + (.2 x 1)) x (1 + (.15 x 1)) = 1.6 x 1.4 x 1.2 x 1.15 = 3.0912 >- Damage increment 309.1%. Dex = 257.6%.

2 Hydra 2 TG 2 Paper 1 SW (1 + (.2 x 2)) x (1 + (.2 x 2)) x (1 + (.2 x 2)) x (1 + (.15 x 1)) = 1.4 x 1.4 x 1.4 x 1.15 = 3.1556 >- Damage increment 315.6%. HAHAHA I TOLD YOU SW PWNZORZ!! Dex = 225.4%.

The standard combination is this:

3 Hydra 3 TG 1 SW (1 + (.2 x 3)) x (1 + (.2 x 3)) x (1 + (.15 x 1)) = 1.6 x 1.6 x 1.15 = 2.944 >- Damage increment 294.4% for both dex AND crit. This is good for hybrid too, fully balanced.

That is why my card combinations are the highest. I win. Hahaha stfu I was bored in math class.

Tips and Tricks

Trick #1: The "HAHAHAHAH NABSHIT" chatroom manuever.

When facing another sinx who likes to cloak and backslide like a queer a lot... all you have to do is toggle hide, and open up a chatroom saying something like "ZOMG YOU SUX HAHAHAH". Now immediately type "/q" in your chatroom, but DONT PRESS ENTER. Wait for the foo to enter and then immediately press enter. You will see where the foo is when the chatroom is switched over to the foo's control. Quickly run over there before the foo exits it and reveal them with MA or Sight. Rape.

Trick #2: Resurrection Tactics

Some people like to use undead. Some people don't. Kill the people who do. Personally, I don't like to use enchant poison, why? Because I don't like purple. I use cursed water. When you hit someone with cursed water and you do 1's then you know it's either an Undead armor, or Shadow armor. I doubt anyone uses Shadow armor. But if you use poison, the other person may be using Argiope or Undead... you never know... Spirit of discretion Ani_gg THATS WHY CURSED WATER IS THE BEST BET. NOW WHEN YOU DO 1's WITH CURSED WATER, RESURRECT THEM TO DEATH. For best results use a dex or hybrid sin.

Trick #3: Poison Reflect

Don't underestimate Envenom, it comes in handed. When you see someone who hits you and runs and hits you and runs and eventually tries to hit you until you are dead... just spam poison react. It works almost like reflect except most of the time you do 18k! Yay! Works best with hybrid or dex.

Trick #4: Alqaeda Technique

Get red gemstomes. Get a friend. Get the friend to get high def. Get the friend to get deadly armor or poison armor if he/she or heshe wants to live. Get Venom Splasher. Get the friend to change into some other armor other than deadly or poison. Get a weapon with thana on. Hit your friend a couple of times to reach 3/4 HP. Use Venom Splasher lv. 1 - 10, according to the amount of time you want... the higher the lv the lower the time yet higher the damage. Tell your friend to quickly change to poison or undead. Tell your friend to run into a massive group of people. WEE!!! ALQAEDA STYLE BOMB THEM YET YOUR FRIEND TAKES NO DAMAGE! HOW FUN!! Works best with dex or hybrid sins. Warning: May deal unwanted damage to other friends. Damage may reach up to 140k. Results may vary. Each sold seperately, batteries not included.

Trick #5: Avoid Stripping

The most obvious one is to not let them SC or Freeze you, but if you see a Stalker who is after your clothes like a hooker who's desperate. equip a shield unequip weapons, headgear, armor. Let them strip your shield and put everything back on. If they're smart enough to notice your headgear is off to begin with, put it on to throw them off.

Trick #6: Faking Your Anti-Water

You know when you have 100% anti-water and you can walk right through SG? It seems fun at first but you notice that the wizards are getting smart and they start to spam LoV instead or some crap. This trick is really useful in WoE when there are wizards. Okay so full anti-water is Bluestone HP of Water + Bluestone Blinker or whatever + Genie's Robe. 100% Anti-Water. Now let's fake it so that you DON'T have anti-water. You know that little sprite that pops up when you get hit by SG? The little icicle thingy... Use a Cold Resist Potion when you ALREADY have 100% anti-water. That way, when you get hit by SG or water attacks, the icicle pops up, but no damage. Of course, in WoE nobody can see damage and you can't get pushed around so Anti-Water is thoroughly faked.

Armor Combinations Guide

Anyways, here are the armor combinations used against specific opponents.


Sacrifice Noobs - Deviling, Tao/GR

Sacrifice Noobs who knows how to GC - Deviling, Tao/Holy

GC Pallys who only nkow how to spam GC - Holy

Cool SC Pallys - GR, Deviling


For most knights, now matter what kind, Brandish or BB - Deviling and Tao

Knights w/ Dwings - Tao, Garment of Warmth


For most sinx's - Deviling and Tao

If you see them enchant poison - Deadly and Deviling

Sinx's with dwings - Deadly, Garment of Warmth


Holy, Blue Stone HP of Water, Icarus/Bluestone Mid Headgear, Genie Garment


All are AD a-holes: GR, Deviling

Wizard: Deadly, or VA, Garment of Warmth, Icarus/ Yellow Stone Mid Headgear, Yellow stone HP of wind


Asura Hobos: GR, Deviling


They ALL believe in god - Holy, Anti-Water


Tricky -

Wind: Garment of Warmth, Icarus/ Yellow Stone Mid Headgear, Yellow stone HP of wind

Water: Genie Garment, Icarus/ Blue Stone Mid Headgear, Bluestone HP of water

Fire: Screw the names - Anti-Fire

Earth: Anti Earth

For the most part, they use Holy or Dark: Deadly and Holy.

use injustice on your standard weapon, have 2-3 other weapons hotkeyed. those should be

-one weapon with an injustice
-one weapon with a phreeoni
-one weapon with two doppels

the two doppels is something you should ask a pro about, phree is for high dodge rate people, and injustice is for folks with a lot of hp.

Spirit of discretion Mysiggybangmu5
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Number of posts : 46
Age : 32
Registration date : 2007-12-15

Spirit of discretion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spirit of discretion   Spirit of discretion Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 1:44 pm

wow u just copy and paste the thing dont tell them the secret ones like how u kill a player so fast lol that way u can beat them..
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Number of posts : 15
Location : neverland
Registration date : 2007-12-15

Spirit of discretion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spirit of discretion   Spirit of discretion Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 5:31 pm

hahaha yup i did. im not that knowledgable to say all those thing.im just collecting,searching idea and copy and paste it!coz someone requested that things or those things to me. so instead of going elsewhere here nalng okies?

Spirit of discretion Mysiggybangmu5
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Number of posts : 46
Age : 32
Registration date : 2007-12-15

Spirit of discretion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spirit of discretion   Spirit of discretion Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 10:35 pm

its ok im not even in the guild so i dont have the power to post what u have to post im not the only one who is using this website anyways so all of ur idea's may be put into the site so wlng problema lol
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Number of posts : 15
Location : neverland
Registration date : 2007-12-15

Spirit of discretion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spirit of discretion   Spirit of discretion Icon_minitimeThu Dec 20, 2007 9:17 am


Main Stats:



VH - [ Orc Hero ]
+10 Composite Bow [ Hydra Hydra TG SW]
+10 Composite Bow [ TG Hydra TG Thana] * Use this when only fighting with Pally or a high vit character*
+10 Composite Bow [ SinX Hydra SK Thanatos Maero]*buffs*
+10Composite Bow[4]: TG TG Hydra Hydra
+10Composite Bow[4]: Thana TG TG Hydra
+10Composite Bow[4]: Stormy Knight Thanatos Maero (decrease agi) Sinx (empty slot left)
just choose what do you think is best for you
-Last time I checked Bow thimble doesnt work with stalker. So use Yoyo+Horong or 2 Yoyo (raid reveals everything)

Valkyrie Armor [ High Risk ]
Vmant [ Choco, Raydric ]
Nile Rose [ High Priest, Yoyo ]

Other Build:

Str: 50+11
Agi: 158+13
Vit: 100+6
Int: 99+5
Dex: 251+29
Luk: 113+23

For Other:

HP of Sound - [ Evil Snake Lord, Orc Hero, Gemini ]
Blinker - [ Gemini, Orc Hero, Evil Snake Lord ]
Torn Wings
+10 Composite Bow [ Hydra Hydra TG SW]
Mink Coat [Ghostring, High Risk ]
Muffler [ Raydric ]
+9-+10 Shoes [ Ancient Firelock, Amon Ra ]
Wild Rose/Moonlight over the Antique Firelock, and if you're not using Amon Ra then you dont need 99 int >_>

Gloves [ Owl Duke, Horong, Zerom, Yoyo ]

Arrows to use:

Arrow of Counter-Evil
Arrow of Shadow

Spirit of discretion Mysiggybangmu5
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Number of posts : 15
Location : neverland
Registration date : 2007-12-15

Spirit of discretion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spirit of discretion   Spirit of discretion Icon_minitimeThu Dec 20, 2007 9:31 am

Powerhouse Dex Sniper:

Str: 20~40
Agi: 1XX (197 attack speed with Awakening Potion and personal buffs)
Vit: Rest of stats
Dex: 24X~25X (total Dex should end in a multiple of 10 + 1 Dex)
Int: 1
Luk: 1~10

You won't have problem with the skills here but as you'd be almost able to get all Sniper skills. Be sure to get Beast Bane as it just doesn't increase damage on Beast/Insect type monsters but, it also increases your RAW attacks. That means it would increase your attacks to everybody, it increases attacks not damage. So, it won't increase your damage when doing SG's with SK card.

Alice Doll/Valkyrie Helm (Gemini/Orc Hero)
Blinker (Gemini/Orc Hero)
If you decided to use gemini card make it two in alice doll and in blinker coz 1gemini is useless.
Icarus Wings/Gargoyle Wings/Dragon Wings
+10 Composite Bow (2TG/2Hydra)
+7~10 Icarus Bow (2TG/Hydra or TG/2Hydra)
Tights/Valkyrie Armor/Cotton Shirts (Angelring/Evil Druid/Tao Gunka/GR/Marc)
Muffler (Raydric/Deviling/Giant Whisper)
Shoes (Amon Ra/Matyr/Green Ferus)
Bow Thimble/Glove (Owl Baron/Zerom)
Bow Thimble/Glove (Owl Baron/Zerom)

Alice Doll gives +1 Str and +10% Damage on Demi-Humans, so, it'd be better than Headprotector Sound. Blinker would still be best for me. While, Icarus Wings is somehow good because it reduce almost all elemental attacks by 10% and it does more damage on some elemental opponents. But, Gargoyle is recommended if you need that +6 Dex to take your dex to another multiple of 10. I'd give a brief explanation on this one.

Every 10 Dex on the Sniper class gives bonus damage on your Sniper. The formula is (Dex/10)^2. If you've got 300 Dex, that'd be a (300/10)^2 = 30^2 = 900 bonus damage. (310/10)^2 = 31^2 = 961. But, that is only for every 10 Dex. If your Dex is 314, your damage would just be 4 more than 310 Dex.

+10 Composite Bow is better than +4~+6 Icarus Bow as it offers you 1 more slot but, at +7~10 Icarus Bow, the Icarus Bow would be better. 2TG/2Hydra is better than 3TG/1Hydra or 4Hydra. Don't argue with me. These are the the best card combos according to Keisuke's Guide. To put it simply, the more diverse the card combo is, the better it is. But, 2TG/2Hydra is still better than 2TG/Hydra/SW. If you have Thanatos Card, just make it Thanatos/2TG/Hydra or Thanatos/TG/Hydra.

You should bring a lot of tights, Holy Armor because anti-GC and most snipers use or I use Arrows Of Counter Evil because it's the elemental arrow that'd reach attack 50. Also, I think that being Holy 1 Property gives you resistance to some elements. Bring Evil Druid if you don't want to be Stoned and if you can't afford 2 Gemini Cards. But, you'd be more prone to GC and Arrows of Counter Evil. Bring Ghostring as it'd be your best defense against EF and Sacrifice. Tao Gunka would be always your best bet, for me, it's the safest card to put in your armor. Raydric and Deviling Muffler should be always with you. Deviling gives 50% reduction against Neutral attacks but 50% more damage on Non-Neutral Attacks. If you're going to be EF'd, quickly switch to Deviling, if you survive the EF, switch back to Raydric or Giant Whisper Card.

You could go with Amon Ra for the +1 stats if you really need it badly and Kyrie Eleison. But, if you want to go Amon Ra, I'd prefer that you take your Int to 99 or what Amon Ra Card says to increase the chance to 2% of casting level 10 Kyrie Eleison. But, personally, I prefer Matyr/Green Ferus. But, Amon Ra Card gives me a very good reason to use it, cause my Dex is 255+X4. So, to make it to another multiple of 10, I used Amon Ra Card. I'd also talk about whether you get Gloves/Nile/Bow Thimble. It depends on what Dex you ended up with. If you ended up on 255+X5 with a Bow Thimble and a Glove/Nile, use this Bow Thimble & Glove/Nile Combination. But, if you ended up on 255+X2/X0 with a Bow Thimble & Glove/Nile Combination, better replace the Bow Thimble with Glove/Nile if you've got +X2 Dex or replace it with Nile if you've got +X0 Dex. Always be sure to remove the unneccessary Dex as it would be just a waste of stats. Always try to make it to a multiple of 10 and another 1 Dex as you need to switch from one Armor to another.

Crit Sniper:

Str: 20~40
Agi: 1XX (197 attack speed with Awakening Potion and personal buffs)
Vit: Rest of stats
Dex: 24X~25X (total Dex should end in a multiple of 10)
Int: 1
Luk: 80~110 (Crit Rate should be 35~50 or depends on your preference.)

Alice Doll/Traveller's Hat (Gemini/Orc Hero)
Blinker (Gemini/Orc Hero)
Gargoyle Wings/Dragon Wings/Torn Wings
+10 Composite Bow (2TG/2Hydra)
+7~10 Icarus Bow (2TG/Hydra or TG/2Hydra)
Tights/Valkyrie Armor/Cotton Shirts (Angelring/Evil Druid/Tao Gunka/GR/Marc)
Muffler (Raydric/Deviling/Giant Whisper/Choco)(And probably go with Raydric over Deviling so you don't get slaughtered by elemental attacks.)
Shoes (Amon Ra/Matyr/Green Ferus)
Bow Thimble/Glove (Owl Baron/Zerom/Kobold/Yoyo)
Bow Thimble/Glove (Owl Baron/Zerom/Kobold/Yoyo)

This should go like the Powerhouse Dex Sniper except that, you should try to increase your Crit Rate to 35~50 or even up to 70. The good thing about this build is that, your attacks deliver more damage and it pierces through your enemies' defenses. Also, you could have almost develop high PD, if you plan to reach Crit Rate 60~70. The problem with this build is that your 2XX Vit would be reduced to 1XX as Luk would eat Stat Points. But, at least, you'd not be susceptible to thana, but you'd just have about 150K to less than 200K HP even with Tao Gunka on with this build. If you plan to go Hybrid, I'd recommend a Crit Rate of 35~40 and always be ready to switch from a Thana Bow to a Bow without Thana depending on your opponents.

Game Plan:

Practice using Battle Mode as this would really come in handy in switching from your GR to Tao to Marc to Angelring to Evil Druid if you don't have VA yet. I'd say put Tao/Marc on Tights and put Angelring/Evil Druid/GR on Cotton Shirts. So, when you cycle through Battle Mode, you just need to cycle through Tao/Marc. When, you face other enemies you could switch from Holy/Undead/Ghost Armor. But, to make it a lot easier I'd put GR on another lightweight Armor. I'd also put on my Hotkeys the my muffler so, I could switch from Deviling to Raydric. Bow should be put into the hotkeys if you wanna go Hybrid to switch from thana to without-thana. Also, bring a lot of arrows, Arrows of Shadow, Counter Evil, Cursed Arrows, Sharp Arrows, Oridecon Arrows, Crystal Arrows. If the enemy use Hokage Hat, use Crystal, VH, use Shadow if the enemy is a Sniper but if it's not, don't bother using Shadow, as he/she might have Permeter Card and VSHIELD worn. Use Sharp Arrows if you wanna raise your Crit Rate, Arrows Of Counter Evil and Oridecon Arrows would be your best bet. You could switch to Cursed Arrows and spam Arrow Shower if many enemies are at the bottleneck of the battle.

Traps you really need, Sandman Trap (Sleep), Ankle Snare. Be sure to be ready to use Spring Trap and Remove Trap. Arrow Shower is also a great way to make Hidden People show. I'd prefer to use Arrow Shower than Detect as SinX could recloak again. Though, Arrow Shower couldn't stop SinX from recloaking again, at least Arrow Shower could make Stalker come out when using Chase Walk unlike Detect. Also, try to put Ankle Snare on every path just be sure to be ready to use Spring Trap because almost all the time, my guildmates step on my traps not the enemies. That's why I don't like using Sniper on WoE anymore. Spirit of discretion Tongue Just use it on certain times when needed. Also, when going to the emp room, be sure to plant Ankle Snares on narrow pathways. Try to delay all your enemies, especially the breakers. When you feel the emp room is already safe, try to use Arrow Shower all over the room, also use Arrow Shower randomly so that, hidden Stalkers wouldn't be able to determine where you'd use Arrow Shower.

Spirit of discretion Mysiggybangmu5
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit of discretion   Spirit of discretion Icon_minitime

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